Change the Size and Position of your Logo

Last Updated By Michael Croteau

Updated at August 12th, 2022

  • Click “Options”
  • Click “Set Company Logo”
  • Click “Save”
  • Use Size and Position buttons to adjust logo 


After you've uploaded your logo, Clear Estimates allows you some options for size and position!

To do this, first, Add Your Company Logo‍ . You can do this by heading to your Options tool (top right of your screen). Click Set Company Logo, and select a file on your computer. Once you have selected your file, click Save. Then, if your logo needs resizing, use the Size and Position buttons to adjust your logo’s look and orientation:

Any changes to your logo can be viewed by heading to Reports > Formal > Print Preview. Here is an example of a centered logo:

To learn how to add your logo, click here!

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